Thursday, 18 October 2012

Bek Davis Web & Graphic Design | 5 High-Powered Twitter Tips to ...

October 17, 2012

Today, Twitter is one of the most powerful social networking website which is used by the internet marketers to build credibility and get instant traffic to their websites. If you have not yet included Twitter in your marketing plan, then I strongly recommend you doing it right now to get the best results out of your marketing efforts.

Here are my 5 powerful tips to get the most out of your Twitter marketing efforts:-

1. Choose your networking partners very carefully

Only network with the relevant people from your industry like your business associates, competitors, and peers. You don?t have to accept every person who wants to follow you on Twitter if you don?t share similar interests. Instead, choose your networking partners carefully and look for people who work within your particular niche. Then, make sure to follow their progress, look for their advice, and of course, give some of your input as well to build your credibility.

2. Use Twitterfeed to maximize the potential of Twitter

Make sure to use Twitterfeed to help people in your network stay updated. Twitterfeed is basically the website?s response to an RSS feed, and it is one of the great way to automatically keep your network partners updated without them checking your page. It also allows things to be updated on their own, so you are not required to spend extra time telling everyone you have an update; it is all done for you.

3. Flash your Twitter profile wherever possible

Make sure to display your Twitter profile on your website, business cards, and in email signatures. Remind people in every possible way that you are on Twitter. You may get a snapshot of the home page of your Twitter profile and then display it on your actual website. Include the Twitter profile URL in your email signatures and if you like you can even get this print on your business card.

4. Include a video plug-in on your Twitter page

To make things little more exciting you may incorporate a video into your Twitter page. There are many people who do not know that now Twitter allows multimedia additions, so please feel free to include video plug-ins on your Twitter profile page. This will build your credibility in your niche and people would like to follow your postings more closely if you have video included in your profile.

5. Host different contests and events for your followers

Host different contests, surveys and events for your followers to keep them interested and engaged in your tweets. You may want to host a giveaway event on Twitter for your followers only. Freebies are always a guarantee of getting new followers and this will build your credibility in your niche.

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Today, Twitter is one of the most powerful social networking website which is used by the internet marketers to build credibility and get instant traffic to their websites. If you have not yet included Twitter in your marketing plan, then I strongly recommend you doing it right now to get the best results out of your marketing efforts.

Here are my 5 powerful tips to get the most out of your Twitter marketing efforts:

1. Choose your networking partners very carefully

Only network with the relevant people from your industry like your business associates, competitors, and peers. You don?t have to accept every person who wants to follow you on Twitter if you don?t share similar interests. Instead, choose your networking partners carefully and look for people who work within your particular niche. Then, make sure to follow their progress, look for their advice, and of course, give some of your input as well to build your credibility.

2. Use Twitterfeed to maximize the potential of Twitter

Make sure to use Twitterfeed to help people in your network stay updated. Twitterfeed is basically the website?s response to an RSS feed, and it is one of the great way to automatically keep your network partners updated without them checking your page. It also allows things to be updated on their own, so you are not required to spend extra time telling everyone you have an update; it is all done for you.

3. Flash your Twitter profile wherever possible

Make sure to display your Twitter profile on your website, business cards, and in email signatures. Remind people in every possible way that you are on Twitter. You may get a snapshot of the home page of your Twitter profile and then display it on your actual website. Include the Twitter profile URL in your email signatures and if you like you can even get this print on your business card.

4. Include a video plug-in on your Twitter page

To make things little more exciting you may incorporate a video into your Twitter page. There are many people who do not know that now Twitter allows multimedia additions, so please feel free to include video plug-ins on your Twitter profile page. This will build your credibility in your niche and people would like to follow your postings more closely if you have video included in your profile.

5. Host different contests and events for your followers

Host different contests, surveys and events for your followers to keep them interested and engaged in your tweets. You may want to host a giveaway event on Twitter for your followers only. Freebies are always a guarantee of getting new followers and this will build your credibility in your niche.

Article Source:


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