Tuesday 23 October 2012

A Better Way to Curb Obesity? | StAug News


A Better Way to Curb Obesity?


Each week we have been studying the amazing, Better Way Health, which is a very unique company that offers consumers not only good products but also some excellent information when it comes to healthcare, diet, and the ?moves? in the nutrition and healthcare industries that have offered people new pathways when it comes to improving their lives. One of the best products on the market that consumers are reaching out for is Beta Glucan, which is a BetterWayHealth.com high selling and much needed product.


When it comes to news headlines, there are a variety of issues going on in the healthcare industry right now (far more than just the political hype that the Presidential race is bringing to the forefront). One of the most interesting is how major soda retailers ? including the biggest of the big, like Coca-Cola and Dr. Pepper ? are following in the footsteps of the ?fast-food nation? by placing calorie counts on vending machines. This new move is supposed to help and encourage all consumers to choose a low-calorie drink instead of the ?higher in sugar? sodas.


Is this a good idea? Certainly. Will it change peoples? minds? Probably not. Perhaps this is a negative thing to say, but the calorie-counts and nutrition information that is now found on the McDonalds? boards have certainly not stopped people from purchasing that Big Mac over the Caesar Salad when the consumer truly wants their old standby favorite.


However, as Better Way Health has shown, dietary needs are a must when it comes to being healthy, living longer, and doing your best to avoid the major illnesses that are taking the lives of many each and every year. So, starting in 2013, the beverage industry initiative, appropriately named ?Calories Count!? vending program will go into effect to do their part in helping save lives.


The first locales that will launch this initiative will be in municipal buildings located in Chicago as well as in San Antonio, Texas. This is not a surprise, seeing as that the program is being ?tried out? on government employees that are participating in a ?wellness challenge.? This challenge will show, through things like weight loss and blood pressure, who is making the greatest improvements in their health. What does the winning city receive? A $5 million dollar grant from the American Beverage Association, which is no ?chump change? considering the economy as it stands and how desperately in need city governments are of money to help their residents.


This is truly part of a nationwide effort to stop the growing problem of obesity. Let?s face it ? with fast food chains, high calorie beverages and the simple fact that everyone is anxious over jobs and the state of the world at the moment, obesity has grown from a ?problem? to a serious epidemic. Generation Y is being targeted, seeing as that there are more and more exercise programs, initiatives begun in schools across the nation that offer healthy foods, and more. Even New York City joined in by actually banning the sale of high-sugar drinks that are larger than sixteen ounces, leading a few more cities to consider doing the same and/or raising soda taxes in order to curb obesity once and for all.


The first news to be learned is that the new vending machine labels will tell people to ?Check Then Choose? in order to encourage consumers to go with that lower-calorie beverage; the actual calorie counts of the specific beverages will be inserted on the buttons. As we?ve spoken about before when it came to the fast food franchises, this is also a part of the Affordable Care Act, which actually has a facet about requiring vending machines and restaurant chains with more than twenty locations to display calorie information.


Now, DOES calorie counting stop people from consuming fast food? As we said above, not really. However, with more and more of the younger generation turning toward exercise and changing their dietary habits, perhaps the generation after will not even wish to consume fast food in any way, shape or form. Some studies have shown that teens were less likely to buy sugary drinks when the calorie labels put the data they need to know in perspective. Such as, the fact that it will take almost one hour of running in order to burn off the calories in just one drink.


In the end, the calorie counts are more than necessary ? and helpful. And, just as it is with Better Way Health, this is another path where consumers across the nation will be educated far better regarding the issues that cause obesity ? by providing the information in simple black and white!


For more information, head to:


Source: http://staugnews.com/2012/10/22/a-better-way-to-curb-obesity.html

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