Sunday 22 January 2012

Today on New Scientist: 20 January 2012

Speed limit for birds could mean better UAVs

A mathematical model suggests that birds or unmanned aerial vehicles will always crash when flying at certain speeds in a built-up environment

Making the mirror for the world's biggest telescope

A huge honeycomb mirror destined for the Giant Magellan Telescope is pictured inside its enormous spinning furnace

Airport laser interrogator gives you back your bottle

For some, the bottle ban on planes is seen as a victory for terrorism. It looks like it is on the way out - thanks to a novel laser scanning technology

Grouse have signature drumming styles

Male ruffed grouse are the first animals known to make unique non-vocal sounds

Friday Illusion: Stop a spinning object with your mind

See how a swaying background can affect your perception of a rotating object

Writer, M.D. looks inside medics' minds

Does doctors' famously dark humour betray a troubling truth about the emotional demands of medical practice? A collection of short stories enlightens us

First subliming planet foreshadows Mercury's fate

A rocky planet the size of Mercury seems to be turning to gas, demonstrating just how wacky alien planets can be

Take tips from the arts to make robots come alive

Actors, animators and dancers are helping to help create expressive automatons

From tinkering on the fringes to Nobel glory

Andre Geim, who won the physics Nobel for graphene, talks about levitating frogs and why he prefers British humour

Megaupload site takedown sparks Anonymous action

Just a day after SOPA protests, a major file-sharing site has been taken offline - and hacktivists reacted almost immediately

'Human beings are learning machines,' says philosopher

Prevailing wisdom holds that we are born with an innate understanding of the world. No, argues Jesse Prinz: we learn a lot of it for ourselves

Reliving Scott's quest for the South Pole

A hundred years after Captain Scott's fateful mission, a Natural History Museum exhibit includes an abstract, life-size version of his hut

Neural network gets an idea of number without counting

An artificial brain has taught itself to estimate the number of objects in an image without actually counting them, much as humans can

Feedback: Exhibiting quantum behaviour

More quantum parking, how soccer causes global warming, wet clergy on riot duty, and more


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