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Forum for completely Out of Character (OOC) discussion, based around whatever is happening In Character (IC). Discuss plans, storylines, and events; Recruit for your roleplaying game, or find a GM for your playergroup.Listing things found in the verse, like items, other schools, tactics, techniques, animals, important food, etc. Anything interesting enough! :D
"Go To Hell, D.W.!"
JayZeroSnake - Member for 1 years
"Kinniku-Juku (Muscle Athletics Association School)"
A secondary school for sports, as opposed to Aijuku's romance. They assist students in exercise and training as well as being in charge of most athletics in Umaville, working with regular high school teams and such.
They offer a wide variety of activities and training methods for the Athlete in you! Come on down today, whether it be for winning the next home game, or getting a bod' that puts the gods to shame!
JayZeroSnake - Member for 1 years
"Ririboo (Beautiful Release)"
An ancient technique used by wives, courtesans, and others. It is a special technique that exaggerates the body and summons out all the essence of hotness into an outward glow of feminine power in order to charm their target.
Clients must learn this as an emergency backup plan when all else fails.
JayZeroSnake - Member for 1 years
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